You and UL

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You and UL

Ever wonder why there's a UL tag on your hairdryer or string of Christmas tree lights? Who is UL? Why are they everywhere? Read the post to learn the answers.

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NFC Chips in Durable Decals


NFC Chips in Durable Decals

Have you seen the commercial of two men sharing music by touching their smart phones together? Is it magic? How does that happen? It's the magic of NFC technology. It overcomes the need for additional expensive reading equipment, because the user simply needs a smart phone. Learn more by reading the full post.


In-mold Label Performance Standards


In-mold Label Performance Standards

What goes into an in-mold label? When producing labels there are several performance standards to be considered. What standards you ask? That depends on the application and how the product will be used. Read on to learn more.
