
An Asian company recently contacted Romo having seen our social media pages. They faced a common problem–getting a startup product recognized among a user base. Even though the product involves Apps and digital communication with customers, they wanted visibility in everyday life.

You might be thinking, “Ah yeah, obviously!” With so much focus on digital presence, it’s easy to forget how important it is for people to actually see others using a product. It’s not just important to product designers and brand managers. People use product identification to communicate their personal brand!

Don’t believe me? Look at the ways teenagers decorate all things electronic, plus backpacks, books and everything else in between.  Smart companies are amplifying their brand in everyday life, not just social media

Here are three branding ideas you might consider:


Brand success, no matter the original venue, sets the stage for leverage. Take Bangs Shoes ( Bangs organically grew a following by having customers become Ambassadors. Ambassadors go through an interview process, then post themselves wearing Bangs shoes as they go about their day. Bangs Ambassadors display their allegiance with pins, decals and other items that carry the brand from the digital space to everyday life with great success.


What works for Bangs’ demographic isn’t so attractive to a company selling a product into the senior citizen market, like Gorilla Grip Bath Mats. Seniors aren’t likely to put a bath mat decal on the back of a Mac computer. They could leverage their brand by creating something a senior might find useful, like a calendar or reminder pad.


Brands might stand out on white background, but how will look on a dark car window? We saw one instance where the important part of the logo disappeared altogether. Make sure to take into account the intended use when designing the marketing piece.

These are a few simple ways to enhance your brand. If you are interested in other ideas, come visit us at Happy branding!

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